Cooper Mind and Body, Inc.

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Relationship Coaching and Pre-Marrital Coaching
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Relationship Coaching and Pre-Marrital Coaching

Relationship Coaching
Relationship coaching is different from couples counseling in many ways. Coaching focuses on improving relationship skills such as communication and repair. Many people have not been raised being taught these specific skills. Though introspection and personal growth (typical focus areas in traditional couples counseling) are extremely important, they don't guarantee more successful relationships. Coaching identifies conflict patterns and teaches new options to remove those patterns and create healthier relationships.

Early Relationship Coaching and Pre-marriage Coaching
If you've had unsuccessful relationships in the past, are fearful of failing in a relationship or just want to start out on the very best foot coaching is for you. We will identify communication styles, coach problem solving and help you in asking the tough questions. Find out if you are compatable and where the problems will arise.

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Cooper Mind and Body, Inc. * 3035 W. 25th Avenute* Denver, CO * USA * 80211 Phone: 720-233-8772

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